2024 Ventura County Fair News Media Credentials

A limited quantity of media credentials are given to qualifying members of the press. We can issue a maximum of two (2) credentials per media outlet unless a news camera crew is required. To qualify for a media credentials, the applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • You must represent an active, accessible online or print publication. Social media posts and personal websites do not qualify as a publication
  • Have official press/media credentials for the online or print publication
  • Submit two (2) links to relevant, recent work with the publication
  • Affirm use of the credentials is for the sole purpose of covering the 2024 Ventura County Fair

Credentials can only be used by the individual they are issued to and only for the purpose for which they are issued. Credentials do not allow for full access of the Fairgrounds. Secure areas require individual approval and an escort. The Fairgrounds reserves the right to revoke credentials at any time. Misuse of Fairgrounds credentials will result in suspension of use and limitation or ban of future use of credentials at the Fairgrounds.

Media & Press Inquiries
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